23 February 2009

Menus of the Almond Diet

Almond Diet
BFs1 1 natural yogurt or 1 third of avocado +10 almonds+pear or apple
BFs2 Apple or pear or natural yogurt or 10 almonds or a home made soup or salad

Grilled meat or grilled fish or eggs

+ 80 gr of :

whole cooked rice or whole spaguetti or 1 boiled potato or 100 gr of black beans

+ salad

L1 Apple or pear or natural yogurt or 10 almonds or a home made soup or salad
L2 Apple or pear or natural yogurt or 10 almonds or a home made soup or salad

Grilled meat or grilled fish or eggs

+ 80 gr of :

whole cooked rice or whole spaguetti or 1 boiled potato or 100 gr of black beans

After dinner
Apple or pear or natural yogurt or 10 almonds or a home made soup or salad


  • The only seasoning allowed is olive oil and cider vinegar and salt
  • Be careful with the soups, don't buy them because they usually have glutamate that makes your appetite increase. Make at home instead.
  • If you have hungry you can add more elements of the breakfast choice. For example, I always carry almonds with me .
  • Don't touch in sugar or sweetners ( see forbidden foods)


1º Breakfast : Video - Almond Diet Breakfast

Natural yogurt + Almonds+ fruit like avocado (20gr)( fruit with Low IG)+whole rice cookie

Breakfast :

Tea + Almonds or whole rice cookie

Lunch: Video

Grilled Turkey or Beaf steak + whole Spagetti ( a cup ) + Salad

Coffee Break: Almond Diet Snacks

Natural yogurt or glass of milk + Fruit like apple / pear / cherries or almonds


Grilled Fish + Whole rice ( a cup - 80 gr cooked or 30gr raw*)

After Dinner:

Almonds or fruit ( low IG) or Natural yogurt


The yogurts can not be "light" because most of them have aspartame, one of the forbidden ingredients.

Do not jump meals, specially 1º Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

Eat always complex carbs at lunch and dinner, like whole rice or whole pasta or beans. Occasional you may eat just salad or just vegetables , but it the beginning its not very recommendable.

Avoid very fat meat like pork and don't abuse on Olive Oil as seasoning.

*if you are have a lot of weight you can start with bigger portion and reduce some weeks later, i put 80 gr cooked because its the equivalent to 100 calories)


  1. Will be starting with this diet from today, will inform you if this works or not. Thanks for the tip!

  2. gonna try it. I have the same weight that you had but I'm afraid I won't make it to 65 kg at least

  3. Not on that diet, but Im craving almonds, so anytime I get hungry I eat hand fulls of almonds and drink water with stevia liquid flavoring such as hazlenut, rootbeer, chocolate raseberry, I eat egg,spinage,queese for breackfast and lunch or three eggs and dinner is my choice. My chocolate craving and food cravings are gone! And Im losing weight and feel great!

  4. will surely try it thanks because its not so often that people share their experience u did a good job thanks loads
